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Tag: component User: Renato De Giovanni
Project Biovel

Workflow configure_external_test (5)

Displays an interface allowing configuration of external test. Currently can be used to skip external test or run a cross validation procedure. In the later case, it is possible to specify the number of replicates, if AUC should be calculated, if confusion matrix should be calculated (using either a fixed threshold or lpt - lowest precision threshold).

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-04-04

Project Biovel

Workflow parse_csv_points (4)

Parses csv content with species occurrence points in the DarwinCore archive format, determining column indexes and returning the records as a list of points in openModeller format (XML). No distinction is made between presences or absences.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-11-18

Project Biovel

Workflow biostif_upload_points (5)

Uploads species occurrence points to BioSTIF server.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-10-24

Project Biovel

Workflow select_matching_layers (5)

Displays an interface where users can select matching layers (same variables) based on the labels of previously selected layers. This is typically needed when projecting a model into a different scenario, where the same variables selected for model creation need to be used on a different chronologic or geographic context. The interaction page may optionally include a label field.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow biostif_upload_raster (4)

Uploads a raster from a given URL to a BioSTIF server, from where it can be displayed through the BioSTIF web interface.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2015-05-11

Project Biovel

Workflow project_model (9)

Projects a model based on the specified parameters.

Created: 2013-12-24 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

Project Biovel

Workflow evaluate_model (9)

Evaluates a model, returning model values for a given set of points and layers.

Created: 2013-12-10 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

Project Biovel

Workflow test_model (11)

Tests a model based on the specified parameters (confusion matrix and/or ROC curve).

Created: 2013-12-10 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

Project Biovel

Workflow create_model (10)

Creates a model based on the specified parameters.

Created: 2013-12-10 | Last updated: 2014-12-04

Project Biovel

Workflow select_or_create_mask (7)

Displays an interface so that users can select or create a mask.

Created: 2013-12-10 | Last updated: 2015-04-04

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