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Tag: uniprot Licence: by-sa

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region (7)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG path...

Created: 2009-11-19 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow BioAID_ProteinDiscovery (8)

The workflow extracts protein names from documents retrieved from MedLine based on a user Query (cf Apache Lucene syntax). The protein names are filtered by checking if there exists a valid UniProt ID for the given protein name.

Created: 2010-05-10 | Last updated: 2013-08-16

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member AID

Workflow Mouse Microarray Analysis (3)

This workflow takes in probesets from and AffyMetrix micorarray experiment and returns: the genes ; gene start and end positions; chromosome where genes reside; ensembl trasncripts; SwissProt ids; affy probeset identifiers for chips Mouse430_2 and Mouse430a_2. Example ids from the Mouse430_2 affymetrix array are as follows (newline separated): 1447227_at 1440624_at 1436240_at 1454904_at 1435665_at 1418148_at 1429831_at

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Workflow What is Paget's disease sparql query example (3)

SELECT distinct ?s1 FROM <> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   FILTER( regex(?s1, "omim")   OR regex(?s1, "geneid") OR regex(?s1, "uniprot")) }   followed by SELECT ?type1, count(*) FROM <http://localhost:8890/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   ?s1  

Created: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region (2)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the Pig, Sus scrofa. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG pathway ...

Created: 2009-11-20 | Last updated: 2009-11-20

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

Workflow What is known about HIV using Bio2RDF's SP... (2)

To answer this question Bio2RDF Atlas about mouse and human genome sparql endpoint available at is searched.  The selected URIs are then loaded into your local Virtuoso triplestore at http://localhost:8890/sparql. You must enable insert mode into the graph. Once the mashup is built, two SPARQL queries analyze the obtained graph.  Finally you can submit queries to the RDF mashup about HIV as you like.  Enjoy. This is the queries present in t...

Created: 2009-02-05 | Last updated: 2009-02-05

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Human Microarray Analysis (1)

This workflow takes in probesets from and AffyMetrix  Affy HG U133A micorarray experiment and returns: genes ; gene start and end positions; chromosome where genes reside; ensembl trasncripts; SwissProt ids. The final output of the workflow is a list of candidate pathways which are linked to the genes expressed in the microarray data.   Example input for this workflow is: 212283_at 221634_at 220399_at  

Created: 2008-02-08 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow kegg_gene_to_swissprot_identifier (1)

Takes a KEGG gene identifier, e.g. sce:YAL038W (yeast pyruvate kinase) and converts to the corresponding Swissprot identifier.

Created: 2007-11-27 | Last updated: 2007-11-28

Credits: User Sirisha Gollapudi

Workflow microRNA to KEGG Pathways and Abstracts (1)

Workflow takes in a text file of microRNAs from microCOSM (at the EBI) and outputs a list of KEGG pathway information, including genes in pathways and pathway abstracts from PubMed. The results can then be used in various text mining applications/workflows to rank the results against a given disease.Workflow takes in a file of microRNAs

Created: 2010-03-17

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

Workflow What is [query] from NCBI, EBI, UniProt an... (2)

test values: query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 query = h1n1 This rdfiser query those four federated search services EB-Eye, KEGG LinkDB, NCBI Entrez and UniProt knowledgebase. RDF triples are returned for search statistics with Bio2RDF normalised URIs. This workflow should be used responsibly because it can generate high load at the provider resources. test values: query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 query = h1n1 query = paget disease query = pdb4 query = hk1 que...

Created: 2009-11-03 | Last updated: 2009-11-03

Credits: User Francois Belleau

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