Pack: Sudoku solving with RapidMiner (Who Wants to be a Data Miner 2012?)

Created: 2012-09-04 16:56:44      Last updated: 2012-09-04 16:58:26
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Title: Sudoku solving with RapidMiner (Who Wants to be a Data Miner 2012?)

Information Description

A fun event at the annual RapidMiner conference RCOMM is the live data mining challenge "Who wants to be a data miner?" where contestants solve tasks data analysis tasks within a few minutes. In 2012 the task was to (partially) solve a Sudoku puzzle. Processes 1 to 3 in this pack correspond to the three tasks whereas process 0 loads the initial data and task 4 is a bonus process that solves the entire Sudoku.

Make sure the processes are saved under the name they have on myExperiment because some are embedded as subprocesses by later processes.

See the comments of the processes to see how it works. Process 4 outputs a 9x9 table that contains the solved sudoku. Process 0 will import an input data set with the initial predefined numbers.

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  • Internal item

    Workflow: RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 0 - Get Data (Simon Fischer)

    Added by Simon Fischer ... more than 1 year ago (2012-09-04 16:57:37)


  • Internal item

    Workflow: RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 1 - Generate All Possibilities (Simon Fischer)

    Added by Simon Fischer ... more than 1 year ago (2012-09-04 16:57:53)


  • Internal item

    Workflow: RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 2 - Drop impossible values (Simon Fischer)

    Added by Simon Fischer ... more than 1 year ago (2012-09-04 16:58:01)


  • Internal item

    Workflow: RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 3 - Drop impossible values (loop) (Simon Fischer)

    Added by Simon Fischer ... more than 1 year ago (2012-09-04 16:58:13)


  • Internal item

    Workflow: RCOMM 2012 Sudoku Challenge: 4 - Solve Sudoku (Simon Fischer)

    Added by Simon Fischer ... more than 1 year ago (2012-09-04 16:58:26)


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