Pack: Supporting material for Roos et al., BMC Bioinformatics, SWAT4LS supplement (2009)

Created: 2009-05-15 15:45:32      Last updated: 2011-08-11 10:01:23
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Title: Supporting material for Roos et al., BMC Bioinformatics, SWAT4LS supplement (2009)

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Supporting material for BMC Bioinformatics, supplement for Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Science (2009)

Structuring and extracting knowledge for the support of hypothesis generation in molecular biology

Marco Roos, M. Scott Marshall, Andrew P. Gibson, Martijn Schuemie, Edgar Meij, Sophia Katrenko, Willem Robert van Hage, Konstantinos Krommydas, Pieter W. Adriaans


We thank the myGrid team and OMII-UK for their support in applying their e-Science tools, and Machiel Jansen for his contribution to the early development of AIDA. This work was carried out in the context of the Virtual Laboratory for e-Science program (VL-e) and the BioRange program. These programs are supported by BSIK grants from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&W). Special thanks go to Bob Hertzberger who made the VL-e project a reality.

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  • Internal item

    Pack: AIDA toolbox (Marco Roos)


    The AIDA toolbox for knowledge management and knowledge extraction in a service oriented architecture.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2009-05-15 16:05:47)


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    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2009-05-15 18:46:02)

  • Internal item

    Workflow: BioAID_EnirchBioModelWithProteinsFromText (Marco Roos)


    Workflow to extract protein names from medline and enrich BioAID proto-ontologies with the text mining results after conversion to RDF triples. Note that this workflow was made for demonstration purposes, not for concurrent use by multiple users. If you are interested in using this workflow, we would appreciate it if you would contact us such that we can collaborate.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2009-05-15 16:13:43)


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    External: Link - (


    BioMed Central back reference

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2010-03-23 19:07:19)

  • External item

    External: RDF triple store with results from the BioAID workflow used in the publication for BMC Bioinformatics SWAT4LS special issue - (

    Alternate link


    RDF triple store with results from BioAID workflow for BMC Bioinformatics publication. The store is in fact a Sesame RDF repository. Because the triples are stored on disk for safety reasons, performance could be compromised.

    Added by Marco Roos ... more than 1 year ago (2009-05-15 20:15:26)

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