Construction of skeleton SBML model using a list of yeast ORF numbers
This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given list of yeast enzymes ORF numbers
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Peter Li |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Construction of skeleton SBML model |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given list of yeast enzymes ORF numbers |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
libsbmlj.jar |
graphviz-api-1.0.jar |
libsbml_helpers.jar |
Name | Description |
yeast_orfs | A list of yeast orf numbers. |
Name | Type | Description |
split | localworker |
ScriptList split = new ArrayList(); if (!string.equals("")) { String regexString = ","; if (regex != void) { regexString = regex; } String[] result = string.split(regexString); for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { split.add(result[i]); } } |
regex | stringconstant |
Value, |
filterOrfs | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationfilterOrfs |
getReactionIdsByOrf | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetReactionIdsByOrf |
flatten | localworker |
Scriptflatten(inputs, outputs, depth) { for (i = inputs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { element =; if (element instanceof Collection && depth > 0) { flatten(element, outputs, depth - 1); } else { outputs.add(element); } } } outputlist = new ArrayList(); flatten(inputlist, outputlist, 1); |
getReactantsByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetReactantsByReactionId |
getProductsByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetProductsByReactionId |
getModifiersByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetModifiersByReactionId |
merge | beanshell |
Script//Output ArrayList speciesIds = new ArrayList(); //Iterate thru reactants, products and modifiers for(ArrayList al: reactants) { for(String reactant: al) { if(!speciesIds.contains(reactant)) speciesIds.add(reactant); } } for(ArrayList al: products) { for(String product: al) { if(!speciesIds.contains(product)) speciesIds.add(product); } } for(ArrayList al: modifiers) { for(String modifier: al) { if(!speciesIds.contains(modifier)) speciesIds.add(modifier); } } //Final clean up - remove empty strings speciesIds.remove(""); |
getCompartmentIdBySpeciesId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetCompartmentIdBySpeciesId |
removeDuplicateCompIds | localworker |
ScriptList strippedlist = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = stringlist.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String item = (String); if (strippedlist.contains(item) == false) { strippedlist.add(item); } } |
mergeCompIds | beanshell |
Script//Output finalCompIds = new ArrayList(); //Copy items into final list for(int i = 0; i < compIds.size(); i++) { String compId = compIds.get(i); finalCompIds.add(compId); } //Copy outside compIds into final list for(int x = 0; x < outsideCompIds.size(); x++) { String outsideCompId = outsideCompIds.get(x); if(!finalCompIds.contains(outsideCompId)) finalCompIds.add(outsideCompId); } |
createCompartments | workflow | |
createCompMetaId | beanshell |
ScriptString compMetaId = "metaid_" + compId; |
getCompNameById | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetCompartmentNameById |
getOutsideCompById | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetOutsideCompartmentById |
getSboTermByCompId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetSboTermByCompartmentId |
getGOId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetGOIdById |
createModel | workflow | |
tag | stringconstant |
Valueglycolysis |
modelId | stringconstant |
Valuetaverna1 |
metaId | stringconstant |
Valuetaverna1a |
addCompartmentToModel | workflow | |
createSpecies | workflow | |
getKeggBySpId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetKeggBySpeciesId |
getChebiIdBySpId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetChebiIdBySpeciesId |
getInchiBySpId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetInchiBySpeciesId |
getSpSboTerm | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetSBOTermById |
filterSboTerm | beanshell |
Scriptif(sboTermIn.equals("")) { sboTermOut = "0"; } else { sboTermOut = sboTermIn; } |
getSgdBySpId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetSgdBySpeciesId |
getNameById | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetSpeciesNameById |
createSpMetaId | beanshell |
ScriptString speciesMetaId = "metaid_" + speciesId; |
getUniprotBySpId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetUniprotBySpeciesId |
addSpecies | apiconsumer | |
createReaction | workflow | |
getNameByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetNameByReactionId |
getSboTermByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetSboTermByReactionId |
filterSboTermForReaction | beanshell |
Scriptif(sboTermIn.equals("")) { sboTermOut = "0"; } else { sboTermOut = sboTermIn; } |
getECNumberByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetECNumberByReactionId |
getPubMedByReactionId | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetPubMedByReactionId |
getNumberOfReactants | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetNumberOfReactants |
wrapWithList1 | beanshell |
Scriptoutput = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0 ; i < input.size(); i++) { String item = input.get(i); String number = reactantNumber.get(i); int x = Integer.parseInt(number); al = new ArrayList(); for(int y = 0; y < x; y++) { al.add(item); } output.add(al); } |
getReactantStoich | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetStoichiometry |
createReactantSpeciesRef | workflow | |
addReactantToReaction | workflow | |
getNumberOfProducts | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetNumberOfProducts |
wrapWithList2 | beanshell |
Scriptoutput = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0 ; i < input.size(); i++) { String item = input.get(i); String number = reactantNumber.get(i); int x = Integer.parseInt(number); al = new ArrayList(); for(int y = 0; y < x; y++) { al.add(item); } output.add(al); } |
getProductStoich | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetStoichiometry |
createProductSpeciesRef | workflow | |
addProductToReaction | workflow | |
createModifierSpeciesRef | workflow | |
addModifierToReaction | workflow | |
addReactionToModel | apiconsumer | |
createSBMLDocument | apiconsumer | |
setModelToDocument | apiconsumer | |
createSBMLWriter | apiconsumer | |
writeToString | apiconsumer | |
createDot | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.kohsuke.graphviz.Graph; import org.kohsuke.graphviz.Node; import org.sbml.libsbml.*; boolean displayEnzymes = false; int cloneCount = 1; Graph graph = new Graph();"SBML"); graph.addGlobalGraphAttr("ranksep","0.22"); graph.addGlobalGraphAttr("nodesep","0.05"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("fontname","Helvetica"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("fontsize","7"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("fontcolor","black"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("color","lightgoldenrodyellow"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("fillcolor","lightgoldenrodyellow"); graph.addGlobalNodeAttr("style","filled"); SBMLReader reader = new SBMLReader(); SBMLDocument doc = reader.readSBMLFromString(sbml); Model model = doc.getModel(); //Sort out metabolites ListOfSpecies specieslist = model.getListOfSpecies(); for(int i = 0; i < specieslist.size(); i++) { Species sp = (Species)specieslist.get(i); Node node = new Node(); String name = sp.getName(); //System.out.println(name); if(name.equals("ATP") || name.equals("ADP") || name.equals("Phosphate") || name.equals("H+") || name.equals("H2O") || name.equals("CO2") || name.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - reduced") || name.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide") || name.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate") || name.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - reduced")) continue; //For enzymes if(!name.startsWith("Y"))"\"" + name + "\" [fillcolor = \"lightgoldenrodyellow\" shape=\"ellipse\"]"); else if(displayEnzymes)"\"" + name + "\" [fillcolor = \"steelblue1\" shape=\"ellipse\"]"); else continue; graph.node(node); } //Sort out reactions ListOfReactions reactionslist = model.getListOfReactions(); for(int x = 0; x < reactionslist.size(); x ++) { Reaction r = (Reaction)reactionslist.get(x); Node reaction = new Node();"\"" + r.getId() + "\""); reaction.attr("shape", "rectangle"); reaction.attr("fillcolor", "darkolivegreen3"); graph.node(reaction); ListOfSpeciesReferences reactants = r.getListOfReactants(); for(int y = 0; y < reactants.size(); y++) { SpeciesReference sref = (SpeciesReference)reactants.get(y); Species sp = model.getSpecies(sref.getSpecies()); String rname = sp.getName(); Node n = new Node(); //Check if node needs cloning if(rname.equalsIgnoreCase("ATP") || rname.equals("ADP") || rname.equals("Phosphate") || rname.equals("H+") || rname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - reduced") || rname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide") || rname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - reduced") || rname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate") || rname.equals("H2O")) { continue; } else {"\"" + rname + "\""); } graph.edge(n, reaction); } ListOfSpeciesReferences products = r.getListOfProducts(); for(int y = 0; y < products.size(); y++) { SpeciesReference sref = (SpeciesReference)products.get(y); Species sp = model.getSpecies(sref.getSpecies()); String pname = sp.getName(); Node n = new Node(); //Check if node needs cloning if(pname.equals("ATP") || pname.equals("ADP") || pname.equals("Phosphate") || pname.equals("H+") || pname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - reduced") || pname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide") || pname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - reduced") || pname.equals("Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate") || pname.equals("H2O")) { continue; } else {"\"" + pname + "\""); } graph.edge(reaction, n); } if(displayEnzymes) { //Add edges from enzyme species modifiers to reactions ListOfSpeciesReferences modifiers = r.getListOfModifiers(); for(int y = 0; y < modifiers.size(); y++) { SimpleSpeciesReference msref = (SimpleSpeciesReference)modifiers.get(y); String id = msref.getSpecies(); //Deal with empty list of modifier references if(id.equals("")) continue; Species species = model.getSpecies(id); String mname = species.getName(); Node n = new Node();"\"" + mname + "\""); graph.edge(n, reaction); } } } baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); graph.writeTo(baos); String dot = baos.toString(); |
display | beanshell |
Scriptimport*; import java.util.*; // - a simple API to call dot from Java programs /*$Id$*/ /* ****************************************************************************** * * * (c) Copyright 2003 Laszlo Szathmary * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * * License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * ****************************************************************************** */ /** *
getOutsideCompartmentIds | wsdl |
Wsdl OperationgetOutsideCompartmentIds |
flatten2 | localworker |
Scriptflatten(inputs, outputs, depth) { for (i = inputs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { element =; if (element instanceof Collection && depth > 0) { flatten(element, outputs, depth - 1); } else { outputs.add(element); } } } outputlist = new ArrayList(); flatten(inputlist, outputlist, 1); |
Name | Description | Inputs | Outputs |
merge |
reactants products modifiers |
speciesIds | |
mergeCompIds |
compIds outsideCompIds |
finalCompIds | |
createCompMetaId | compId | compMetaId | |
filterSboTerm | sboTermIn | sboTermOut | |
createSpMetaId | speciesId | speciesMetaId | |
filterSboTermForReaction | sboTermIn | sboTermOut | |
wrapWithList1 |
input reactantNumber |
output | |
wrapWithList2 |
input reactantNumber |
output | |
createDot | sbml | dot | |
display | dot | out | |
createMetaId | speciesId | metaId |
Name | Description |
sbml_model | An SBML model |
sbml_graph | A png image of a graph representing the SBML model generated by this workflow |
Source | Sink |
regex:value | split:regex |
yeast_orfs | split:string |
split:split | filterOrfs:orfs |
filterOrfs:filterOrfsReturn | getReactionIdsByOrf:orf |
getReactionIdsByOrf:getReactionIdsByOrfReturn | flatten:inputlist |
flatten:outputlist | getReactantsByReactionId:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | getProductsByReactionId:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | getModifiersByReactionId:reactionId |
getReactantsByReactionId:getReactantsByReactionIdReturn | merge:reactants |
getProductsByReactionId:getProductsByReactionIdReturn | merge:products |
getModifiersByReactionId:getModifiersByReactionIdReturn | merge:modifiers |
merge:speciesIds | getCompartmentIdBySpeciesId:speciesId |
getCompartmentIdBySpeciesId:getCompartmentIdBySpeciesIdReturn | removeDuplicateCompIds:stringlist |
removeDuplicateCompIds:strippedlist | mergeCompIds:compIds |
getOutsideCompartmentIds:getOutsideCompartmentIdsReturn | mergeCompIds:outsideCompIds |
createCompMetaId:compMetaId | createCompartments:compMetaId |
getCompNameById:getCompartmentNameByIdReturn | createCompartments:compName |
getOutsideCompById:getOutsideCompartmentByIdReturn | createCompartments:outsideCompId |
getSboTermByCompId:getSboTermByCompartmentIdReturn | createCompartments:compSboTerm |
getGOId:getGOIdByIdReturn | createCompartments:compGoId |
flatten2:outputlist | createCompartments:compId |
flatten2:outputlist | createCompMetaId:compId |
flatten2:outputlist | getCompNameById:compartmentId |
flatten2:outputlist | getOutsideCompById:compartmentId |
flatten2:outputlist | getSboTermByCompId:compartmentId |
flatten2:outputlist | getGOId:compartmentId |
tag:value | createModel:modelName |
modelId:value | createModel:modelId |
metaId:value | createModel:modelMetaId |
createModel:model | addCompartmentToModel:modelIn |
createCompartments:compartment | addCompartmentToModel:compartments |
getKeggBySpId:getKeggBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:kegg |
getChebiIdBySpId:getChebiIdBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:chebi |
getInchiBySpId:getInchiBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:inchi |
filterSboTerm:sboTermOut | createSpecies:speciesSboTerm |
merge:speciesIds | createSpecies:speciesId |
getSgdBySpId:getSgdBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:sgd |
getNameById:getSpeciesNameByIdReturn | createSpecies:speciesName |
createSpMetaId:speciesMetaId | createSpecies:speciesMetaId |
getCompartmentIdBySpeciesId:getCompartmentIdBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:speciesCompId |
getUniprotBySpId:getUniprotBySpeciesIdReturn | createSpecies:uniprot |
merge:speciesIds | getKeggBySpId:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | getChebiIdBySpId:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | getInchiBySpId:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | getSpSboTerm:speciesId |
getSpSboTerm:getSBOTermByIdReturn | filterSboTerm:sboTermIn |
merge:speciesIds | getSgdBySpId:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | getNameById:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | createSpMetaId:speciesId |
merge:speciesIds | getUniprotBySpId:speciesId |
createModel:model | addSpecies:object |
createSpecies:species | addSpecies:s |
flatten:outputlist | createReaction:id |
getNameByReactionId:getNameByReactionIdReturn | createReaction:name |
filterSboTermForReaction:sboTermOut | createReaction:sboTerm |
getECNumberByReactionId:getECNumberByReactionIdReturn | createReaction:ec_code |
getPubMedByReactionId:getPubMedByReactionIdReturn | createReaction:pubmedId |
flatten:outputlist | getNameByReactionId:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | getSboTermByReactionId:reactionId |
getSboTermByReactionId:getSboTermByReactionIdReturn | filterSboTermForReaction:sboTermIn |
flatten:outputlist | getECNumberByReactionId:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | getPubMedByReactionId:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | getNumberOfReactants:reactionId |
flatten:outputlist | wrapWithList1:input |
getNumberOfReactants:getNumberOfReactantsReturn | wrapWithList1:reactantNumber |
wrapWithList1:output | getReactantStoich:reactionId |
getReactantsByReactionId:getReactantsByReactionIdReturn | getReactantStoich:speciesId |
getReactantsByReactionId:getReactantsByReactionIdReturn | createReactantSpeciesRef:speciesId |
getReactantStoich:getStoichiometryReturn | createReactantSpeciesRef:stoich |
createReactantSpeciesRef:speciesRef | addReactantToReaction:reactantSpeciesRef |
createReaction:reaction | addReactantToReaction:reactionIn |
flatten:outputlist | getNumberOfProducts:reactionId |
getNumberOfProducts:getNumberOfProductsReturn | wrapWithList2:reactantNumber |
flatten:outputlist | wrapWithList2:input |
getProductsByReactionId:getProductsByReactionIdReturn | getProductStoich:speciesId |
wrapWithList2:output | getProductStoich:reactionId |
getProductsByReactionId:getProductsByReactionIdReturn | createProductSpeciesRef:speciesId |
getProductStoich:getStoichiometryReturn | createProductSpeciesRef:stoich |
createReaction:reaction | addProductToReaction:reactionIn |
createProductSpeciesRef:speciesRef | addProductToReaction:productSpeciesRef |
getModifiersByReactionId:getModifiersByReactionIdReturn | createModifierSpeciesRef:speciesId |
createReaction:reaction | addModifierToReaction:reactionIn |
createModifierSpeciesRef:modifierSpeciesRef | addModifierToReaction:modifierSpeciesRef |
createReaction:reaction | addReactionToModel:r |
createModel:model | addReactionToModel:object |
createSBMLDocument:object | setModelToDocument:object |
createModel:model | setModelToDocument:m |
createSBMLWriter:object | writeToString:object |
setModelToDocument:object | writeToString:d |
writeToString:result | createDot:sbml |
createDot:dot | display:dot |
removeDuplicateCompIds:strippedlist | getOutsideCompartmentIds:compartmentId |
mergeCompIds:finalCompIds | flatten2:inputlist |
writeToString:result | sbml_model |
display:out | sbml_graph |
Controller | Target |
addCompartmentToModel | addSpecies |
addReactantToReaction | addProductToReaction |
addModifierToReaction | addReactionToModel |
addSpecies | addReactionToModel |
addReactionToModel | setModelToDocument |
addProductToReaction | addModifierToReaction |
Workflow Type
Version 1
(of 1)
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Construction of skeleton SBML model using ...
Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26
Peter Li
Created: 2010-03-26
Peter Li
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