SBML model optimisation
This workflow modifies reaction kinetic parameters against experimental data stored in the MCISB key results database
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Workflow Components
![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
Peter Li |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
SBML model optimisation |
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
This workflow modifies reaction kinetic parameters against experimental data stored in the MCISB key results database |
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
sqlitejdbc-v053.jar |
libsbmlj.jar |
libsbml_helpers.jar |
Name | Description |
sbml | A parameterised SBML model |
Name | Type | Description |
createSysbioDataSource | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.sbml.libsbml.*; import java.sql.*; import org.sqlite.JDBC; String DATABASE_NAME = "taverna_sbml"; String databaseURL = "jdbc:sqlite:" + DATABASE_NAME + ".db"; //Set up database try { //System.loadLibrary("sbmlj"); driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC"; Class.forName(driver); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); //Create compartment table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists compartment;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table compartment (id, name, outside, sboTerm, goId);"); //Create species table for holding metabolite and enzyme data stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists species;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table species (id, name, compartmentId, sboTerm, chebi, kegg, inchi, sgd, uniprot);"); //Create reaction table for holding reactants and products stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists reaction;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table reaction (id, name, sboTerm, subsystem, ec, pubmed, tag);"); //Create reactionspecies table for holding associations between species and reaction stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists reactionspecies;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table reactionspecies (reactionId, speciesId, stoichiometry, role);"); //==================== //For storing kinetics //==================== //Create kineticlaw table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists kineticlaw;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table kineticlaw (id, reactionId, formula, generalId, reversible);"); //Create kineticlawvariable table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists kineticlawvariable;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table kineticlawvariable (kineticLawId, variableId, relFormula);"); //Create parameter table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists parameter;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table parameter (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name, role, type, kineticLawId, speciesId, comment, stValue, stDeviation, endValue, unitId);"); //Create unit table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists unit;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table unit (id, description, sbmlUnitId, comment);"); //Create sbmlunit table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists sbmlunit;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table sbmlunit (id, kind, exponent, scale, multiplier, offset);"); //Create envkineticlaw table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists envkineticlaw;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table envkineticlaw (kineticLawId, environDataId);"); //Create environmentaldata table stat.executeUpdate("drop table if exists environmentaldata;"); stat.executeUpdate("create table environmentaldata (id, stValue, endValue, bufferDescription, description, unitId, comment);"); //============================ //Load compartments into table //============================ PreparedStatement prep1 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into compartment values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); SBMLReader reader = new SBMLReader(); SBMLDocument doc = reader.readSBMLFromString(sbml); Model m = doc.getModel(); System.out.println("Model id: " + m.getId()); ListOfCompartments compList = m.getListOfCompartments(); for (int i = 0; i < compList.size(); i++) { Compartment comp = (Compartment) compList.get(i); String id = comp.getId(); String name = comp.getName(); String outside = comp.getOutside(); int sboTerm = comp.getSBOTerm(); String goId = ""; for (int x = 0; x < comp.getNumCVTerms(); x++) { CVTerm term = comp.getCVTerm(x); XMLAttributes att = term.getResources(); for (int y = 0; y < att.getLength(); y++) { String uri = att.getValue(y); if (uri.contains("obo.go")) { goId = uri; } } } prep1.setString(1, id); prep1.setString(2, name); prep1.setString(3, outside); prep1.setInt(4, sboTerm); prep1.setString(5, goId); prep1.addBatch(); } //============================ //Load species into table //============================ PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("insert into species values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); ListOfSpecies spList = m.getListOfSpecies(); for (int i = 0; i < spList.size(); i++) { Species sp = (Species) spList.get(i); String id = sp.getId(); String name = sp.getName(); String compartment = sp.getCompartment(); int sboTerm = sp.getSBOTerm(); if (sboTerm == -1) sboTerm = 0; String chebi = ""; String kegg = ""; String inchi = ""; String sgd = ""; String uniprot = ""; try { XMLNode node = sp.getAnnotation(); XMLNode node2 = node.getChild(0); XMLNode node3 = node2.getChild(0); if(XMLNode.convertXMLNodeToString(node3).contains("InChI")) inchi = node3.getCharacters(); } catch (NullPointerException e) //Catch metabolites with no inchi codes { System.err.println("No inchi code"); inchi = ""; } StringBuffer uniprotSb = new StringBuffer(); for (int x = 0; x < sp.getNumCVTerms(); x++) { CVTerm term = sp.getCVTerm(x); XMLAttributes att = term.getResources(); for (int y = 0; y < att.getLength(); y++) { String uri = att.getValue(y); if (uri.contains("chebi")) { chebi = uri; } else if (uri.contains("kegg")) { kegg = uri; } else if (uri.contains("sgd")) { sgd = uri; } else if (uri.contains("uniprot")) { uniprotSb.append("," + uri); } } } prep.setString(1, id); prep.setString(2, name); prep.setString(3, compartment); prep.setInt(4, sboTerm); prep.setString(5, chebi); prep.setString(6, kegg); prep.setString(7, inchi); prep.setString(8, sgd); uniprot = uniprotSb.toString(); uniprot = uniprot.replaceFirst(",", ""); prep.setString(9, uniprot); prep.addBatch(); } //============================ //Load reactions into table //============================ PreparedStatement prep4 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into reaction values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); PreparedStatement prep2 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into reactionspecies values (?, ?, ?, ?);"); PreparedStatement prep5 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into kineticlaw values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); PreparedStatement prep6 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into parameter values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); ListOfReactions reactions = m.getListOfReactions(); for (int i = 0; i < reactions.size(); i++) { Reaction r = (Reaction) reactions.get(i); String id = r.getId(); String name = r.getName(); int sboTerm = r.getSBOTerm(); //Sort out subsystem String anno = r.getNotesString(); int start = anno.indexOf(" |
userId | stringconstant |
Valuedada |
createSimulationResource | workflow | |
sendModel | workflow | |
sendExptalDataSbrml | workflow | |
queryKRDB | workflow | |
checkData | beanshell |
Scriptimport org.sbml.libsbml.*; //To hold model species ids spIds = new ArrayList(); //For output sb = new StringBuffer(); sb2 = new StringBuffer(); //Extract species ids and names from sbml model SBMLDocument doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(sbml); Model m = doc.getModel(); ListOfSpecies splist = m.getListOfSpecies(); sb.append("Species in SBML model\n"); for(int i = 0; i < splist.size(); i++) { Species s = splist.get(i); sb.append(s.getId() + "\t"); spIds.add(s.getId()); sb.append(s.getName() + "\n"); } //String out = sb.toString(); //Extract species ids from SBRML file sb.append("Species in SBRML file\n"); String[] lines = sbrml.split("\n"); for(int x = 0; x < lines.length; x ++) { //Check String line = lines[x]; if(line.contains("compositeValue indexValue")) { if(line.contains("CHEBI")) { x = x + 2; continue; } else { int start = line.indexOf("\""); int end = line.lastIndexOf("\""); String id = line.substring(start + 1, end); if(!spIds.contains(id)) { x = x + 2; continue; } else { sb2.append(line + "\n"); continue; } } } sb2.append(line + "\n"); } String out = sb.toString(); String newSbrml = sb2.toString(); |
parameterEditor | beanshell |
Scriptimport javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.Container; import*; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.sql.*; class Parameter { String name; double value; String type; String modelId; String parameterId; Parameter(String name, String value, String type, String modelId, String parameterId) { = name; this.value = Double.parseDouble(value); this.type = type; this.modelId = modelId; this.parameterId = parameterId; } String getName() { return name; } String setName(String name) { = name; } double getValue() { return value; } String setValue(String value) { this.value = Double.parseDouble(value); } String getType() { return type; } String setType(String type) { this.type = type; } String getModelId() { return this.modelId; } String setModelId(String modelId) { this.modelId = modelId; } String getParameterId() { return parameterId; } String setParameterId(String parameterId) { this.parameterId = parameterId; } } /** * New table model for storing parameter data */ class MyTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { //Set up data for table String[] colnames = {"Parameter name", "Value", "Lower bound", "Upper bound", "Affected experiment", "Object type", "Model Id"}; int numrows = params.size(); int numcols = 7; data = new String[numrows][numcols]; //Iterate thru parameters for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { p = params.get(i); data[i][0] = p.getName(); double value = p.getValue(); data[i][1] = Double.toString(value); if(p.getType().equals("arbitraryVariable")) { //Lower bound value data[i][2] = Double.toString(value / 4); //Upper bound value data[i][3] = Double.toString(value * 4); data[i][5] = "arbitraryVariable"; } else if(p.getType().equals("reaction")) { //Lower bound value data[i][2] = Double.toString(value / 1000000); //Upper bound value data[i][3] = Double.toString(value * 1000000); data[i][5] = "reaction"; } //Affected experiment data[i][4] = "all"; //ModelId data[i][6] = p.getModelId(); } public int getColumnCount() { return colnames.length; } public int getRowCount() { return data.length; } public String getColumnName(int col) { return colnames[col]; } public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) { return data[row][col]; } /* * JTable uses this method to determine the default renderer/ * editor for each cell. If we didn't implement this method, * then the last column would contain text ("true"/"false"), * rather than a check box. */ public Class getColumnClass(int c) { return getValueAt(0, c).getClass(); } /* * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's * editable. */ public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) { //Note that the data/cell address is constant, //no matter where the cell appears onscreen. if (col < 2) return false; else return true; } /* * Don't need to implement this method unless your table's * data can change. */ public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { data[row][col] = value; fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); } public String[][] getData() { return data; } } String DATABASE_NAME = "taverna_sbml"; String databaseURL = "jdbc:sqlite:" + DATABASE_NAME + ".db"; //Get parameter data from database params = new ArrayList(); try { driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC"; Class.forName(driver); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); sql = "select name, stValue, type, kineticLawId from parameter;"; ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(sql); while ( { name = rs.getString(1); stValue = rs.getString(2); type = rs.getString(3); kineticLawId = rs.getString(4); System.out.println(kineticLawId); if(kineticLawId.equals("")) modelId = name; else modelId = kineticLawId.replaceFirst("kl_", ""); if(type.equals("reaction")) parameterId = name; else parameterId = ""; p = new Parameter(name, stValue, type, modelId, parameterId); params.add(p); } rs.close(); conn.close(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Class representing the SetFitItemsAndMethod XML document */ class Document { String contents; Document() { this.contents = ""; } synchronized void setContents(String data) { this.contents = data; notifyAll(); } synchronized String getContents() { while (contents.equals("")) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return contents; } } /** * Class representing the GUI for selecting the values to be * processed by the remainder of the workflow. */ MultipleSelectWorkerGUI(Document doc) { JTable table; DefaultTableModel tablemodel; JSplitPane splitPane; JTextArea expCondition; JList list; JButton submitButton; Document doc; void init() { super.frame = new JFrame("Select data for downstream analysis"); super.frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); //Place window in centre pane = new JPanel(); super.frame.getContentPane().add(pane); pane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pane, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); this.doc = doc; table = new JTable(new MyTableModel()); //Detect row clicked rowListener = new ListSelectionListener() { void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent event) { if (event.getValueIsAdjusting()) { return; } //Selected row changed, do something... showReactionInstIds(); } }; table.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); DefaultListSelectionModel lst = table.getSelectionModel(); lst.addListSelectionListener(rowListener); JScrollPane tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); pane.add(tableScrollPane); //Create a panel JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel(); submitButton = new JButton("Submit"); submitButton.setActionCommand("submit"); submitButton.addActionListener(this); submitButton.setEnabled(false); buttonPane.add(submitButton); buttonPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); pane.add(submitButton); //frame.setSize(800,500); frame.setVisible(true); frame.pack(); } //This method is called only if there is a valid selection //and if the submit button is clicked void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); //New String command = e.getActionCommand(); tmodel = table.getModel(); data = tmodel.getData(); if("submit".equals(command)) { //Generate setFitItem XML document StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); //Set userId and resourceId sb.append(" |
setFitItemsAndMethod | workflow | |
startSimulator | workflow | |
pollStatus | workflow | |
getResults | workflow | |
releaseResources | workflow |
Name | Description | Inputs | Outputs |
createSysbioDataSource | sbml | databaseURL | |
checkData |
sbml sbrml |
out newSbrml |
parameterEditor |
userId resourceId |
setFitItemsAndMethodXML | |
createCountUrl |
date title |
url | |
cleanCountData | inStr | outStr | |
createQueryUrl |
count date title |
url | |
cleanData | inStr | outStr | |
extractChebiIds | sbrml | chebiIds | |
merge |
speciesIds chebiIds sbrml |
sbrml_out |
Name | Description |
optimised_sbml | An SBML model optimised against data from the MCISB key results database. |
Source | Sink |
sbml | createSysbioDataSource:sbml |
userId:value | createSimulationResource:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | sendModel:resourceId |
userId:value | sendModel:userId |
sbml | sendModel:sbml |
userId:value | sendExptalDataSbrml:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | sendExptalDataSbrml:resourceId |
checkData:newSbrml | sendExptalDataSbrml:sbrml |
queryKRDB:new_sbrml | checkData:sbrml |
sbml | checkData:sbml |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | parameterEditor:resourceId |
userId:value | parameterEditor:userId |
parameterEditor:setFitItemsAndMethodXML | setFitItemsAndMethod:fitItemsAndMethodXML |
userId:value | startSimulator:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | startSimulator:resourceId |
userId:value | pollStatus:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | pollStatus:resourceId |
userId:value | getResults:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | getResults:resourceId |
userId:value | releaseResources:userId |
createSimulationResource:resourceId | releaseResources:resourceId |
getResults:result | optimised_sbml |
Controller | Target |
startSimulator | pollStatus |
getResults | releaseResources |
setFitItemsAndMethod | startSimulator |
createSysbioDataSource | parameterEditor |
sendExptalDataSbrml | setFitItemsAndMethod |
pollStatus | getResults |
sendModel | sendExptalDataSbrml |
Workflow Type
Version 1
(of 1)
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Construction of skeleton SBML model using ...
Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26
Peter Li
Construction of skeleton SBML model using ...
Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26
Peter Li
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