Biome-BGC SA 1.3
Biome-BGC is a process-based biogeochemical model that can be used to simulate carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes of different terrestrial ecosystems. Two models have been implemented: the Biome-BGC v4.1.1 Max Planck Institute model, and the newly developed Biome-BGC MuSo 3.0 model. Performance, success or failure of these models are highly dependent on parameter settings and variation. Due to the high number of parameters (around 40 and 60 for 4.1.1 MPI and MuSo respectively) and the non-linear behaviour of the models, there are limited options to find the 'best' parametrization. Sensitivity Analysis (SA) is one of the ways to enhance deeper understanding for better parametrization of the model according to the model-data-fusion approach.
SA requires a prior execution of a Biome-BGC Monte Carlo Experiment (MCE), that performs an independent parameter variation within given parameter ranges. Parameters, range of parameter values, output variables and number of randomized repetition has to be set in Biome-BGC MCE workflow, that runs off-line because of the time consuming nature of MCE jobs (usually it takes several days on, for example the EDGeS@home desktop grid). Then one or several SA can be launched based on the results of Biome-BGC MCE completed before.
The Biome-BGC Sensitivity Analysis (SA) workflow starts an evaluation job on the ECOS server of MTA OK, based on the results of a prior Monte Carlo Experiment project.
The Biome-BGC Projects Database & Management System was developed to easy prepare, manage and share all of the above mentioned datasets (files), investigations and provide interaction with Taverna workflows. Learn more about BBGCDB at
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