Mapping OligoNucleotides to an assembly
This workflow maps the input oligo set to an assembly.
It first performs an alignment using the BioMoby Blat and Blast service provided by WUR ( Next, for each hit, tries to find the corresponding transcripts and genes using a biomart webservice. The final task is an analysis task using RShell. It calculates for each oligo to which class it belongs:
1 single hit
2-4 multiple hits single transcript*
5-7 mulitple hits multiple transcripts*
8 single hit, discarded**
9 multiple hits single transcript, discarded**
10 multiple transcripts, discarded**
11 multi gene, discarded
12 no transcript***
13 no transcript, discarded*
* classified on the criteria intron spanning only, possible intron spanning and no intron spanning.
** hit(s) do not meet high stringency threshold
*** no transcript found but hit(s) meet high stringency threshold.
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Version 1 (earliest)
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