Lymphoma type prediction based on microarray data
Scientific value Using gene-expression patterns associated with DLBCL and FL to predict the lymphoma type of an unknown sample. Using SVM (Support Vector Machine) to classify data, and predicting the tumor types of unknown examples. Steps Querying training data from experiments stored in caArray. Preprocessing, or normalize the microarray data. Adding training and testing data into SVM service to get classification result.
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1. Wei Tan, Ravi Madduri, Alexandra Nenadic, Stian Soiland-Reyes, Dinanath Sulakhe, Ian Foster, Carole A. Goble, caGrid Workflow Toolkit: A Taverna based workflow tool for cancer Grid, BMC Bioinformatics, 02 November 2010,, Accessed at: 03 September 2011
2. caArray, Experiment data: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma outcome prediction , 23 April 2009,, Accessed at: 23 April 2009
3. MA Shipp et al, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma outcome prediction by gene-expression profiling and supervised machine learning, NATURE MEDICINE, 23 January 2002,, Accessed at: 23 April 2009
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Created: 2009-11-23
Wei Tan
genePattern data preprocessing
Created: 2010-05-24 | Last updated: 2010-05-24
Wei Tan
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