G-language Genome Analysis Environment - Basic statistics on a numerical vector
Given a numerical vector (array), this workflow calculates the maximum value (max) and its index (maxdex), minumum value (min) and its index (mindex), mean, sum, median, and standard deviation. See http://www.g-language.org/ for more information about the G-language Genome Analysis Environment.
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![header=[] body=[This is the author information extracted from the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptive titles embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
![header=[] body=[These are the descriptions embedded within the workflow version] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
![header=[] body=[These are the listed dependencies of the workflow] cssheader=[boxoverTooltipHeader] cssbody=[boxoverTooltipBody] delay=[200] Information](/images/famfamfam_silk/information.png?1680607579)
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G-language Genome Analysis Environment - B...
Created: 2010-04-05 | Last updated: 2010-04-05
cory (Kazuki Oshita)
G-language Genome Analysis Environment - G...
Created: 2010-04-05
cory (Kazuki Oshita)
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