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Category: Workflow Licence: by-nd

Workflow Algorytm DBScan (1)

Przeplyw ilustruje sposob wykorzystania algorytmu DBScan do znalezienia modelu skupien. Algorytm DBScan jest przykladem algorytmu bazujacego na gestosci, parametr epsilon wskazuje na promien sasiedztwa, a parametr min points wskazuje na minimalna liczbe punktow, jakie musza sie znalezc w sasiedztwie punktu aby kontynuowac rozrastanie sie skupienia.

Created: 2011-05-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-19

Workflow Wybor parametru k dla algorytmu k-Means (1)

Proces pokazuje, w jaki sposob mozna eksperymentalnie dobrac wlasciwe wartosci parametru k (liczba poszukiwanych skupien) dla algorytmow k-Means i k-Medoids. Jako miary oceny podzialu wykorzystano srednia odleglosc od centroidu oraz indeks Daviesa-Bouldina

Created: 2011-05-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-19

Workflow Wybor poczatkowego podzialu dla algorytmu ... (1)

Proces pokazuje, w jaki sposob mozna zautomatyzowac proces znajdowania najlepszego poczatkowego wyboru centroidow uniezalezniajac sie (do pewnego stopnia) od wplywu losowania.

Created: 2011-05-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-19

Workflow miRNA GFF to entrez gene (1)

This workflow reads a GFF file of miRNA cooridinates and uses BioMart to search human ensemble genes for the gene that codes for the miRNA. The workflow returns a list of miRNAid, chromosome, start, stop, strand, entrez gene id, gene name, gene strand. Example input file here:

Created: 2011-01-26 | Last updated: 2012-01-11

Workflow Using Remember / Recall for "tunneling" re... (1)

This process shows how Remeber and Recall operators can be used for passing results from one position to another position in the process, when it's impossible to make a direct connection. This process introduces another advanced RapidMiner technique: The macro handling. We have used the predefined macro a, accessed by %{a}, that gives the apply count of the operator. So we are remembering each application of the models that are generated in the learning subprocess of the Split validation. Af...

Created: 2010-04-29 | Last updated: 2012-01-16

Workflow Test for Orthologues (1)

Warning: The files are hardcoded in to the beanshell of this workflow. Given an orthlog file for an organism from orgProteomeId=22602, find proteins that are orthologous to proteins in another oragnsims, e.g., B.subtils. Outputs percent.

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Fetch Fasta and Genbank files (1)

Fetches fasta and genbank files for a given identifier., e.g., CP000256

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Fetch EMBL File (1)

Fetches an EMBL file using the EMBL id. Creates file to a specified location.

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow EDPS 6751 Week 6 Decision Tree Classifier (1)

Week 6: Decision Tree Classifier

Created: 2018-04-26

Workflow EDPS 6751 Week 5 Unsupervised Learning (1)

Week 5: Unsupervised Learning

Created: 2018-04-26

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