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Tag: example User: Alan Williams Licence: by

Workflow Byte[] to string - empty value (1)

The beanshell converts the empty string '' to a byte array which is then converted back to the empty string '' by the Byte[]_to_string service.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Byte[] to string - non empty value (1)

The beanshell converts the string 'hello' to a byte array which is then converted back to the string 'hello' by the Byte[]_to_string service.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - title and message parameters (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with 'Some title' and the prompt message 'Some message'. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - just message parameter (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with no title but with the prompt message 'Some message'. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - just title parameter (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with the title 'Some title' but no prompt message. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - no parameters (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with no title and no prompt message. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Simple Python example (1)

This workflow generates a random number within the range 0 to 100. The generation is done by a python script. The workflow assumes that python is in the path.

Created: 2011-10-06 | Last updated: 2011-10-06

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Secure Web service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure Web service that runs behind HTTPS and requires user to authenticate. The first thing you can expect to see is a pop up dialog asking if you trust the Web service to be invoked over HTTPS. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow. To see where the security is being configured, right-click the service in the diagram and select "Configure security" from the menu.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Secure REST service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure REST service that requires user to authenticate with HTTP Basic Authentication. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Unix tool for numerically adding two values. (1)

This workflow relies on a Unix system. It wraps the "bc" command line calculator. It downloads the calculation script from a URL.

Created: 2011-07-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-13

Credits: User Alan Williams User Steffen Möller

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