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Tag: localworker

Workflow Choose - title parameter (1)

The split_string_into_string_list_by_regular_expression parses the string 'a,b,c,d,e' and outputs the list ['a','b','c','d','e']. The choose service displays a dialog with 'Some title' but no message. The user is able to choose from the values ['a','b','c','d',e']. When the user presses OK the value the user chose is passed to the answer port of the choose service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Choose - no title or message parameters (1)

The split_string_into_string_list_by_regular_expression parses the string 'a,b,c,d,e' and outputs the list ['a','b','c','d','e']. The choose service displays a dialog with no title or message. The user is able to choose from the values ['a','b','c','d',e']. When the user presses OK the value the user chose is passed to the answer port of the choose service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Byte[] to string - empty value (1)

The beanshell converts the empty string '' to a byte array which is then converted back to the empty string '' by the Byte[]_to_string service.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Byte[] to string - non empty value (1)

The beanshell converts the string 'hello' to a byte array which is then converted back to the string 'hello' by the Byte[]_to_string service.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - title and message parameters (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with 'Some title' and the prompt message 'Some message'. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - just message parameter (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with no title but with the prompt message 'Some message'. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - just title parameter (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with the title 'Some title' but no prompt message. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Ask - no parameters (1)

The ask service displays a prompt with no title and no prompt message. If the user presses cancel, then a service failure is generated. If the user presses OK then their input, even if it is empty, is passed to the answer port of the ask service and so to the output of the workflow.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Example of Execute_SQL_Query with parameters (1)

This workflow connects to a mysql on localhost, queries the "world" database which is one of the test databases on MySQL 5.5, queries it about which countries have Dutch as a language, and emits answers in both Lists and in xml. This workflow is intended as an example to help you see the syntax for the various inputs to this local service beanshell. see: for instructions on jars, dependencies etc. The jar used he...

Created: 2012-03-16 | Last updated: 2012-03-16

Credits: User Helen Hulme

Workflow Fetch today's xkcd comic (1)

Use the local services and some filtering operations to fetch the comic strip image from Based on the FetchDailyDilbert workflow.

Created: 2011-07-12 | Last updated: 2011-07-12

Credits: User Tomoinn User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Attributions: Workflow Fetch today's xkcd comic

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