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Tag: ils User: Anja Le Blanc Licence: by-sa

Workflow Find periods of time where two ILS objects... (2)

Inputs: name of target_obj of ILS of two objects and a number of degrees which these obejcts are allowed to be appart in hci longitude coordinates. Output VOTable of time periods where these two objects are closer than +/- input angle together.

Created: 2011-11-04 | Last updated: 2011-11-18

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a section of space described in HCI coordinates

Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

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