GT: Genotyping Comparison Analysis and Clustering/Heatmap

Created: 2011-09-01 17:52:22      Last updated: 2011-09-10 01:01:04

Creates a genotyping comparison analysis Excel file and heatmap image given final report and gender call input files. User provides either plate numbers, CLID/BIOIDs, cNames, etc. and can choose to either load the data into the database or not. Note that if user chooses to load data into database, script may take longer (few minutes) to run.

Before running, make sure the final report and gender call text files are correctly named and that they are in the correct directory under: /gne/research/data/lab-shares/gCell/_gCell/Baseline_Profiling_Cells/Genotyping/Plate_#

Results will be stored under this directory:


For more details please read the SNP Genotyping Manual

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