Group: VLe


Virtual Laboratory for e-Science

The exceptional increase in computing power, storage capacity and network bandwidth of the past decades forms the basis of a digital revolution, which has only just started. Also the changing scale and scope of experimental science require a new research paradigm: (digitally) enhanced science or e-Science.

The aim of the ‘Virtual Laboratory for e-Science’ project is to bridge the gap between the technology push of the high performance networking and the Grid and the application pull of a wide range of scientific experimental applications. It will provide generic functionalities that support a wide class of specific e-Science application environments and set up an experimental infrastructure for the evaluation of the ideas

Created at: Friday 05 December 2008 13:30:30 (UTC)

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  1. Avatar
    Zhiming Zhao shared Affimetrix microarray: part three (concat)
    Collecting the results from the perumtation.
    Friday 05 December 2008 14:08:18 (UTC)
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    Zhiming Zhao shared Affimetrix microarray: part two (perm)
    We use a permutation test to infer the significance of the differently expressed genes found by the ANOVA analysis. Permutation tests are computationally intensive, needing at least 1000 permutations per gene to obtain acceptable results. For large experiments, the in-built feature of running R/MAANO …
    Friday 05 December 2008 14:06:08 (UTC)
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    Zhiming Zhao shared Affimetrix microarray: part one (obs)
    The R/MAANOVA package [1] is being adapted to carry out our computations. To enable R/MAANOVA to handle probe-sets with different probe numbers, which is necessary when using probe-set definitions other than the original one provided by Affimetrix, we will pre-process the input data by dividing it in …
    Friday 05 December 2008 14:01:03 (UTC)
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    Zhiming Zhao joined the VLe group
    Friday 05 December 2008 13:31:43 (UTC)
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    Adambel created the VLe group
    Friday 05 December 2008 13:30:30 (UTC)

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