Us User: Chrisdpierce


Name: Chrisdpierce

Joined: Tuesday 02 August 2011 19:53:06 (UTC)

Email (public): chrisdpierce [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Cleveland, United States

Chrisdpierce has been credited 0 times

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Description/summary not set

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Not specified

Field/Industry: Health Care

Occupation/Role(s): Manager of Research Informatics


Cleveland Clinic


Other Groups that Chrisdpierce belongs to

Network-member CWA working group 2.6: Nanopublications

Created: Wednesday 12 August 2009 14:12:31 (UTC)

The Concept Web Alliance is an organization founded to promote the semantically rich publication and dissemination of life science data and knowledge. The basic underlying units of this knowledge will be 'triples' - concept-relationship-concept - represented using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) specification of the W3C. Technologies that are built around RDF such as RDF Triplestores,...

1 shared item   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: Nanopublication / Format Working Group Mailing List

Network-member Bio2RDF

Unique name: bio2rdf
Created: Saturday 24 January 2009 17:20:54 (UTC)

The goal of this community is to explore the possibilities of using Taverna  platform with Virtuoso SPARQL engine to build useful workflow capable of answering complex question by using the distributed network of RDF data available over the web.

0 shared items   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: A new workflow

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Linked Data

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Alternative Formats