User: Juandesant
Name: Juandesant Joined: Wednesday 25 January 2012 16:55:07 (UTC) Last seen: Friday 30 January 2015 14:54:55 (UTC) Email (public): jdsant [at] Website: Location: Granada, Spain |
Juandesant has been credited 3 times Juandesant has an average rating of: 0.0 / 5 (0 ratings in total) for their items |
Being in the web since always, now using it to provide astronomical content and methodologies.
Other contact details:
Not specifiedInterests:
big data, virtual observatory, e-Science
Field/Industry: Astronomy
Occupation/Role(s): VIA-SKA Project Manager / AMIGA DB Radio Astronomer
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
Wf4Ever Project