User: Michael Smith


Name: Michael Smith

Joined: Tuesday 16 October 2012 10:53:28 (UTC)

Last seen: Saturday 20 April 2013 14:56:29 (UTC)

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Michael Smith has been credited 2 times

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Workflow Text-mining using OSCAR to obtain a list o... (1)

This service extracts chemical names from text and obtains identifiers for these names. It outputs a HTML string that can be opened in a browser providing a table of information and links to ChemSpider.Known issues - Character limit ~3000 - Unable to produce InChIs or CSID for some names - Error sometimes encountered when a trivial and systematic name for the same compound are used - Some issues with identifiers being recognised but not able to be processedrequires access ...

Created: 2013-04-18

Credits: User Michael Smith User Mark Borkum

Attributions: Workflow InChIToCSID


Workflow Number of bonds/atoms generator from Chemi... (1)

No description

Created: 2012-10-30 | Last updated: 2012-10-30

Credits: User Michael Smith

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