Us User: Azamanyan


Name: Azamanyan

Joined: Friday 15 July 2011 01:27:59 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 14 September 2011 23:05:47 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Los Angeles, United States

Azamanyan has been credited 1 time

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Field/Industry: Neuroscience

Occupation/Role(s): Programmer Analyst


Laboratory of Neuro Imaging
University of California, Los Angeles


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Workflow Deformable Organisms Skullstripping (1)

Overview - Deformable Organisms Skullstripping Pipeline will skull-strip an magnetic resonance (MR) image of the brain using a deformable organisms framework. Problem addressed by this workflow Segment or delineate the brain in whole head MR images. Creates a mask of the brain, separating it from skull, skin, eyes, neck, and cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF). Detailed Workflow Usage & Specifications The module takes ANALYZE or NIFTI magnetic resonance images of the head as input a...

Created: 2011-09-14

Credits: User Azamanyan

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