De User: Heikopaulheim


Name: Heikopaulheim

Joined: Wednesday 11 September 2013 07:07:47 (UTC)

Last seen: Monday 01 December 2014 08:07:03 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Mannheim, Germany

Heikopaulheim has been credited 0 times

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Linked Open Data
Semantic Web
Data Mining

Field/Industry: Research and Education

Occupation/Role(s): Postdoctoral Researcher


University of Mannheim
Data and Web Science Group


Note: some items may not be visible to you, due to viewing permissions.

Workflow Finding wrong links in Linked Open Data wi... (1)

This simple workflow shows how to detect wrong links in Linked Open Data. It uses operators from the Linked Open Data and the Anomaly Detection extensions. The process first reads a list of links from the EventMedia endpoint, linking to DBpedia, then creates feature vectors for each of those links. Finally, an outlier detection operator is employed to find suspicious links.

Created: 2014-03-14

Workflow Acquiring background knowledge on companie... (1)

This workflow shows how to add background knowledge on companies (e.g., turnover, number of employees, branch) from DBpedia to a dataset.

Created: 2013-09-16

Workflow Using Linked Open Data from Eurostat as Ba... (2)

This process shows how an existing data table containing data about countries can be enriched with background knowledge from Eurostat. The example takes tabular data about the alcohol consumption in European countries as input, adds more data about those countries from Eurostat, and finally learns a model based on the enriched data which explains high alcohol consumption.

Created: 2013-09-12 | Last updated: 2013-09-13

Workflow Analyzing Data from a Linked Open Data SPA... (1)

This process reads a list of countries, their GDP and energy consumption from the Eurostat Linked Open Data SPARQL Endpoint ( and analyzes whether there is a correlation between GDP and energy consumption

Created: 2013-09-11 | Last updated: 2013-09-11

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