User: Afzal Muhammad


Name: Afzal Muhammad

Joined: Saturday 11 March 2017 07:12:31 (UTC)

Last seen: Saturday 11 March 2017 12:38:20 (UTC)

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Location: Not specified

Afzal Muhammad has been credited 0 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


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Workflow Quality Recognition Model (QRM) (1)

Quality Recognition Model (QRM) is a SVM-based Machine Learning supervised classification model that assigns label to the evidentiary documents on the basis of rigorousness of the contents. It assigns the label Rigor if the document is of quality otherwise assigns the Non-Rigor. It uses two type of features: data and metadata. Data features include title and abstract while the metadata features include MeSH terms and publication type.

Created: 2017-03-11

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