
Created: 2007-12-10 22:15:54      Last updated: 2007-12-10 22:45:49

This workflow retrieves relevant documents, based on a query optimized by adding a string to the original query that will rank the search output according to the most recent years. The added string adds years with priorities (most recent is highest); it starts at 2007.

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  • Monday 17 December 2007 14:29:22 (UTC)

    Hi Marco,

    Could you please add some instructions on what to enter, and maybe some examples.



  • Monday 14 January 2008 12:01:08 (UTC)

    Response to Paul's comment about the instructions. One example for each input is given when you click 'New input' in the run window in Taverna. This is quite minimal; I intend to add more info later and upload a new version.

Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (6)

Only the first 2 workflows that use similar services are shown. View all workflows that use these services.

Workflow BioAID_ProteinToDiseases (1)

This workflow was based on BioAID_DiseaseDiscovery, changes: expects only one protein name, adds protein synonyms). This workflow finds diseases relevant to the query string via the following steps: A user query: a single protein name Add synonyms (service courtesy of Martijn Scheumie, Erasmus University Rotterdam) Retrieve documents: finds relevant documents (abstract+title) based on query Discover proteins: extract proteins discovered in the set of relevant abstracts 5. Link proteins ...

Created: 2007-11-14 | Last updated: 2007-11-15

Credits: User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member AID

Attributions: Workflow BioAID_DiseaseDiscovery_RatHumanMouseUniprotFilter

Workflow Retrieve_documents_MR1 (1)

This workflow applies the search web service from the AIDA toolbox. Comments: This search service is based on lucene defaults; it may be necessary to optimize the querystring to adopt the behaviour to what is most relevant in a particular domain (e.g. for medline prioritizing based on publication date is useful). Lucene favours shorter sentences, which may be bad for subsequent information extraction.

Created: 2007-12-10

Credits: User Marco Roos User Edgar Network-member AID