GRASS-GIS orchestration using pyWPS

Created: 2011-04-18 09:50:43      Last updated: 2011-04-25 15:21:35

Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png.

Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation: output=(if())

Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png.

Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation: output=(if(a>100,a,null()))

The resulting geotiff is converted into a PNG for easy analysis in Taverna.

Note: The DEM used contains values below 0, this affect the quality of the final result.

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Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (13)

Only the first 2 workflows that use similar services are shown. View all workflows that use these services.

Workflow Ice Class Map pixel analysis (NERSC) (1)

NERSC ice classification workflow. Avaible images for a specific date will be fecthed from the WPS service, and their color table changed to allow for a user to easly identify specific areas. Statistical analysis also run using the r.stats module. Worflow uses a list of image, the list will flow thru the workflow for process resulting in mutiple outputs

Created: 2011-11-02 | Last updated: 2011-11-02

Credits: User Jorgejesus

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r.los generates a raster output map in which the cells that are visible from a user-specified observer position are marked with the vertical angle (in degrees) required to see those cells (viewshed). A value of 0 is directly below the specified viewing position, 90 is due horizontal, and 180 is directly above the observer. The angle to the cell containing the viewing position is undefined and set to 180.

Created: 2011-10-13

Credits: User Jorgejesus