Mp3ToWav Mig+QA

Created: 2012-05-21 10:53:07      Last updated: 2013-04-24 09:12:25

This workflow migrates a list of mp3 files to wav files using the MP3 to WAV Migrate Validate Compare workflow. See description here. The workflow uses SCAPE web services, which are set up locally. The webservices are set up using the project tool descriptors. The used SCAPE web services are the ffmpeg, jhove2 and ffprobe web services. This workflow matches (most of) solution SO4 on the SCAPE opf wiki, see

The workflow input value is a fileURL containing a list of input MP3 URLs. The output is a list of Wav fileURLs, a list of validation outputs (valid / not valid ) and a list of comparison outputs (properties alike / not alike).

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  • Tuesday 19 November 2013 16:49:56 (UTC)

    This is the sort of workflow that it would make a lot of sense to use Components in. You'd translate the innermost, highly stereotypical parts (i.e., the invocations of the tools and their immediate wrappers that do the command construction and information extraction) into components and then use them throughout the workflow.

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