Group: Sage Bionetworks


 A group to share workflows for the Sage Bionetworks demo

Created at: Wednesday 17 March 2010 11:53:59 (UTC)



  1. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Sage bionetwork demo workflow
    This workflow performs key driver analysis and displays the results in Cytoscape.
    Wednesday 08 May 2013 14:52:01 (UTC)
  2. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Quality control processing of GEO datasets
    The workflow performs a quality control process on gene expression data sets stored in the Gene Expression Omnibus database. The QC process is performed using Bioconductor R packages. A variety of statistics are produced by the workflow including a diagnostic plot from snm normalisation and nucleotid …
    Wednesday 06 April 2011 15:00:00 (UTC)
  3. Avatar
    Lisejl, Mduke, Max, and Bhmecham joined the Sage Bionetworks group
  4. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared AlitoraKDAInputModule test workflow
     This workflow calls the AlitoraKDAInputModule service from the test GenePattern server.
    Wednesday 07 July 2010 11:14:20 (UTC)
  5. 4399?size=48x48
    Paul Fisher shared Entrez Gene to KEGG Pathway
    This workflow takes in Entrez gene ids then adds the string "ncbi-geneid:" to the start of each gene id. These gene ids are then cross-referenced to KEGG gene ids. Each KEGG gene id is then sent to the KEGG pathway database and its relevant pathways returned.
    Wednesday 14 April 2010 12:40:46 (UTC)
  6. 42?size=48x48
    Carole Goble joined the Sage Bionetworks group
    Sunday 21 March 2010 14:40:54 (UTC)
  7. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Invocation of Gene Pattern modules using R
     A workflow to invoke a Gene Pattern module using an R script. Note that a FTP URL for the data to be analysed is required, not the data itself!
    Friday 19 March 2010 10:26:35 (UTC)
  8. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Visualise KDA output data with Cytoscape
    This workflow retrieves a data file on a web server directory and launches Cytoscape to visualise it.
    Wednesday 17 March 2010 20:19:09 (UTC)
  9. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Test workflow for logging into Alitora and getting information about a specific meme
    Wednesday 17 March 2010 12:04:28 (UTC)
  10. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Log out from Alitora system
    A nested workflow to be used for logging out of Alitora
    Wednesday 17 March 2010 12:00:23 (UTC)
  11. 254?size=48x48
    Peter Li shared Log into Alitora system
    A nested workflow to be used for logging into Alitora
    Wednesday 17 March 2010 11:57:59 (UTC)

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