Au User: Peter Ansell


Name: Peter Ansell

Joined: Tuesday 18 December 2007 02:10:41 (UTC)

Last seen: Sunday 09 October 2011 06:27:46 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Peter Ansell has been credited 0 times

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Description/summary not set

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Not specified

Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


Not specified

Other Groups that Peter Ansell belongs to

Network-member Bio2RDF

Unique name: bio2rdf
Created: Saturday 24 January 2009 17:20:54 (UTC)

The goal of this community is to explore the possibilities of using Taverna  platform with Virtuoso SPARQL engine to build useful workflow capable of answering complex question by using the distributed network of RDF data available over the web.

0 shared items   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: A new workflow

Network-member BioMashups

Unique name: BioMashups
Created: Sunday 10 August 2008 06:23:05 (UTC)

This group is intended to foster sharing of biomashups: bioinformatics flavoured mashups authored for one of the major mashup frameworks, Popfly ( Components, pipes, blocks, JS pages and blocks of any kind are welcome, but we have a particular interest in blocks created under Popfly as it supports a convenient visual composition of component blocks. What are mashups? Bioinform...

9 shared items   |   1 announcements


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