User: Kalpana


Name: Kalpana

Joined: Friday 11 September 2009 20:35:29 (UTC)

Last seen: Sunday 27 March 2011 21:13:36 (UTC)

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Kalpana has been credited 3 times

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Workflow Gene function prediction in Macaca Fasciculus (1)

This workflow searches for ORF regions in a specific gene (TOM1L1 in Macaca fasciculus testis) to predict candidate protein coding regions. Results from blastp are used to find which frames are closest to existing proteins in other species. rpsblast is used to predict the domains and the protein families that these sequences may belong to. This is used to predict the function of the protein.

Created: 2011-03-27 | Last updated: 2011-03-27

Credits: User Kalpana

Workflow Blastn-ClustalW (1)

This workflow retrieves a sequence from NCBI Core Nucleotide, searches for similar sequences with Blastn, then feeds a set of Blastn results into the multiple alignment tool, ClustalW.

Created: 2010-10-27 | Last updated: 2010-10-27

Credits: User Kalpana

Workflow Blastn-ClustalW (1)

This workflow retrieves a sequence from NCBI Core Nucleotide, searches for similar sequences with Blastn, then feeds a set of Blastn results into the multiple alignment tool, ClustalW.

Created: 2010-09-29

Credits: User Kalpana

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