Nl User: Ishtiaq AHMAD


Name: Ishtiaq AHMAD

Joined: Friday 23 October 2009 13:25:38 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 08 December 2011 19:36:27 (UTC)

Email (public): I.Ahmad [at]


Location: Groningen, Netherlands

Ishtiaq AHMAD has been credited 1 time

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Developing Data Analysis Framwork to execute individual bioinformatics tools and workflows in parallel computational environment such as GRID or local cluster.

Other contact details:

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Not specified

Field/Industry: Proteomics related Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Scientific Programer


University of Groningen


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Contents (click to expand/contract)

Workflow Warp2D - 2D Time Alignment Workflow (3)

2D Time Alignment We describe a new time alignment method that takes advantage of both dimensions of LC-MS data to resolve ambiguities in peak matching while remaining computationally efficient. This approach, Warp2D, combines peak extraction with a two-dimensional correlation function to provide a reliable alignment scoring function that is insensitive to spurious peaks and background noise. One-dimensional alignment methods are often based on the total-ion-current eluti...

Created: 2010-05-20 | Last updated: 2010-11-22

Credits: User Ishtiaq AHMAD

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