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Created: 2008-01-22 16:22:26      Last updated: 2008-05-30 14:40:41

This workflow first of all recovers Ensembl Gene IDs, Embl IDs and genomic coordinates from a BioMart mouse genome query.

The Embl IDs are converted into KEGG Gene IDs and subsequent KEGG Pathway IDs using KEGG webservices. URLs to the pathways diagrams at KEGG are also recovered as well as a merged output of the ensembl gene ID, embl ID and KEGG pathway ID.

The other branch of the workflow recovers SNPs for the genes and SNP variations per mouse mouse strain using a MOLGENIS variant wrapper around the Mouse Phenome Database (MPD). See for the MOLGENIS DSL definition of MPD used to generate the services used in this workflow


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  • Monday 21 April 2008 14:10:58 (UTC)

    See for MOLGENIS definition of mouse phenome database.

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