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Category: Blob User: William Senior

Blob Estado de conservación del sistema hidrográfico del ...

Created: 2018-07-10 09:12:04

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

El río Manzanares tiene una relación histórica con la ciudad de Cumaná, ya sea por su papelecológico, cultural y económico pero también por los impactos ambientales que han afectadonegativamente el estado de conservación de este hidrosistema. Se efectuó una actualización de lainformación sobre el estado de conservación del río Manzanares y sus tributarios con base en larevisión de artículo...

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Blob Especiación Química y Biodisponibilidad del Fósforo ...

Created: 2018-07-10 08:45:00 | Last updated: 2018-07-10 09:01:19

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

En esta investigación se determinaron las fracciones P-adsorbida o lábil (F1), P-autigénica (F2), P-asociada a óxidos (F3), P-detrítica (F4) y P-orgánica (F5), y la biodisponibilidad del fósforo en los sedimentos del Golfo de Paria, Venezuela. La concentración de fósforo total (PT) osciló entre 3,93-4,97 μmol P/g, y se encuentra principalmente en forma detrítica y orgánica. Se evidencian diferentes mecanism...

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Created: 2018-03-09 21:41:04

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The concentrations of heavy metals in the bivalve molluscs Anadara similis and A. tuberculosa are determined. The specimens were collected at 2 km from the mouth of Estero Huaylá, El Oro Province, Ecuador, in November 2013. The length and weight of each species were determined in the laboratory, with two length ranges being established for A. similis and four for A. tuberculosa. The meat of the organisms was extracted, washed and dried in an oven at 60 ° C for 72 h, then digested w...

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Blob Heavy metals concentration in the bivalves Anadara t...

Created: 2017-12-12 15:20:07

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The concentrations of heavy metals in the bivalve molluscs Anadara similis and A. tuberculosa are determined. The specimens were collected at 2 km from the mouth of Estero Huaylá, El Oro Province, Ecuador, in November 2013. The length and weight of each species were determined in the laboratory, with two length ranges being established for A. similis and four for A. tuberculosa. The meat of the organisms was extracted, washed and dried in an oven at 60 ° C for 72 h, then digested w...

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Blob Carbon regeneration in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela

Created: 2017-12-12 14:59:23

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The carbon regeneration in the water column ofthe Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) was investigatedusing a regression model of total alkalinity (TA)and the concentration of total inorganic carbon(TCO2). Primary productivity (PP) was determinedfrom the inorganic carbon fraction assimilatedby phytoplankton and the variation of the 22 and23°C isotherm was used as an indicator of coastalupwelling. The results indicate that CO2 levels werelowest (1962 μmol/kg) at the surface and increasedto 2451 &...

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Blob Growth of the tropical scallop, Euvola (Pecten) zicz...

Created: 2016-11-25 16:26:20

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

We compared the growth of the scallop Euuolu (Pecten) ziczuc (L.) in three situations whichpotentially could be used for commercial culture, in cages maintained in suspension, in cages on thebottom and in cages partly buried in a sediment bottom. The latter permitted the scallops to burythemselves as in their natural habitat. Throughout the 7-month study, growth, as measured by shelllength and muscle mass, was by far superior for scallops in the partly buried cages. Possible explanationsfor t...

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Created: 2016-11-25 15:45:27

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

El río Manzanares es uno de los más importantes de Venezuela. Está ubicado en la región nor-oriental,en el Estado Sucre. Posee una cota máxima de 2.200,oo msnm, en el Cerro Las Peonias y una mínimade 00,oo msnm en el Golfo de Cariaco, con una longitud de cauce de 81 km, pendiente mínima de 15%y gasto medio de 1,23 m3/s. Existe una precipitación media anual de 1.328,10 mm, con evaporación de1.929,4 mm (MARNR, 1998). Según el...

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Blob Especiación de metales en sedimentos del río Cuchive...

Created: 2016-11-25 14:51:19

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The total concentration and the chemical forms of heavy metals were determined insuperficial sediments of the Cuchivero river, Venezuela, using sequential extraction andatomic absorption spectrophotometry with flame. Pollution indices were used to study thedistribution, pollution and environmental risk in the sediments. Total values ranged from,394-457 mgkg-1 Fe, 46,87-74,82 Mn, 6,45-11,92 Zn, 1,70-5,75 Ni, 0,39-3,7 Cu, 1,25-3,63Cr, 0,37-1,82 Co, 0,10-0,30 Cd y <Ld-0,20 mgkg-1 Pb. The meta...

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Blob Especiación del fósforo en sedimentos de un río trop...

Created: 2016-08-01 00:45:56

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

En este estudio, se empleó una modificación del método de extracciónsedimentaria (SEDEX) para cuantificar las diferentes formas de P en lossedimentos recolectados en río Cuchivero durante marzo del año 2014. El rango devariación de las concentraciones de las diferentes formas de P respecto al P total(PTf) fueron 4,84-7,49 gP/g para la fracción F1 constituida por el Pintercambiable (P-ad) más el asociado a óxidos de hierro (...

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Blob Studies of dissolved carbohydrates (or carbohydrate-...

Created: 2016-03-19 15:31:57

Credits: User William Senior

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Variations in concentrations of dissolved sugars were studied along the salinity gradient of a smallestuary (Elorn, Bay of Brest, France) from February 1985 to January 1986. Total dissolved carbohydrate(TDCHO) and dissolved monosaccharides (MCHO) were measured by the methods of Burneyand Sieburth and Johnson and Sieburth respectively. It must be noted that these methods cannotdistinguish between carbohydrates and carbohydrate-like substances; consequently, these methodsprobably do not closely...

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