Fr User: Nadia Cerezo


Name: Nadia Cerezo

Joined: Thursday 04 February 2010 08:14:10 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 04 July 2013 20:27:40 (UTC)

Email (public): cerezo [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Nice, France

Nadia Cerezo has been credited 4 times

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Field/Industry: Computer Science

Occupation/Role(s): PhD Student


I3S Laboratory


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Workflow Monthly counts for event occurences betwee... (1)

This workflow provides monthly counts of events in HEC between the beginning of year_start and the end of year_end. Returns the result as comma separated file (csv) and as list of lists.

Created: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Nadia Cerezo User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Attributions: Workflow Monthly counts for event occurences between beginning of year_start and end of year_end



Workflow Find data from a list of instruments and a... (1)

For a certain time range, it looks for flares between a energy range (GOES x-ray flare class), and it provides the observations for such time range for the list of instruments asked. It also provides the table of flares with its properties. Note: This workflow does not look whether the instrument was not looking to the right field of view (eg., CDS)

Created: 2013-03-20

Credits: User David PS User Anja Le Blanc User Nadia Cerezo User Gab

Attributions: Workflow find events in xray and radio


Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments ... (2)

No description

Created: 2013-03-20 | Last updated: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Nadia Cerezo

Attributions: Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments for HEC event data


Workflow Get KEGG gene descriptions and pathways (1)

This workflow takes a list of KEGG gene identifiers and supplies descriptions associated to said genes + pathways including all genes and the descriptions associated to said pathways. The list_to_string local beanshell scripts merely transform a given list into a string of unique not-null elements separated by new lines (for batch btit use). Note that the input is a real taverna list : multiple values must be declared as multiple values instead of a single string value with distinct identif...

Created: 2010-04-30 | Last updated: 2010-04-30

Credits: User Nadia Cerezo User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Get Kegg Gene information

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