User: M. Kirsh
Name: M. Kirsh Joined: Saturday 18 July 2009 18:02:38 (UTC) Last seen: Tuesday 22 November 2016 20:39:28 (UTC) Email (public): kirsh2152000 [at] Website: Location: Los Angeles, United States |
M. Kirsh has been credited 23 times M. Kirsh has an average rating of: 0.0 / 5 (0 ratings in total) for their items |
I have a PhD in Biochemistry (cuny 1986) and never worked. My thesis project involved the assay for deoxyuridine in biological samples as a potential source of mutation and aging. I am currently a graduate student in Anthropology at The California State University Los Angeles in Anthropology and am continuing a personal project that began in graduate school in biochemistry,continued as a personal and independant project My thesis project involved concerning a professors remark that DNA was unique in nature - to reconcile this notion with modern concepts in science, in particular evolution,emergence and the conservation of energy laws, thermodynamic considerations in the physical sciences.
Other contact details:
Not specifiedInterests:
rcognitive and scientific representations of nature, theories of nature,, biochemical genetics, molecular biology, theroies in physics
Field/Industry: Anthropology, Philosophy
Occupation/Role(s): Graduate Student
Not specifiedNote: some items may not be visible to you, due to viewing permissions.
What in the World is Universe?: A prime example
Created: 2016-11-22 20:48:25
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 17 times | Downloaded: 7 times
The Spaces in the Looking Glass: Stllling the frame/...
Created: 2016-11-22 20:04:39
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 23 times | Downloaded: 5 times
Science, the Virtual and the Actual: a real stand-off
Created: 2014-02-23 01:00:13
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 13 times | Downloaded: 7 times
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Determining the Determined State : a sizing of size ...
Created: 2014-02-23 00:50:50
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 40 times | Downloaded: 26 times
- anthropology and science
- |
- change
- |
- civilization
- |
- correspondances in nature
- |
- cultural and biological evolution
- |
- distance
- |
- egg
- |
- einstein
- |
- emergence
- |
- energy form and surface
- |
- energy matter and geometrical form
- |
- environmental disturbance
- |
- ethics in science
- |
- explanatory gap
- |
- form in nature
- |
- frame of reference
- |
- free floating geometry for space
- |
- genetic transmission
- |
- graph of an egg
- |
- human behavior and history
- |
- illogic
- |
- imagination
- |
- induction and imagination
- |
- infinite and eternal
- |
- language and nature
- |
- laws
- |
- legality arbitration and nature
- |
- light
- |
- logic of nature.universal consciousness.cognitive representation.natural processes.uniqueness in nature.mobius sided surface genes and evolution
- |
- mass
- |
- matter
- |
- mind matter form and energy
- |
- mirror symmetry
- |
- modern and old societies
- |
- natural balance and pathology
- |
- natural ethic
- |
- nature and ethics
- |
- nature and society
- |
- newtons laws of motion
- |
- numbers and kinds
- |
- observation interpretation and common causes
- |
- parallelism
- |
- passive and active reflection
- |
- path cause and effect
- |
- perception and the external
- |
- plot of an egg
- |
- relativity space volume and culture
- |
- religion and science
- |
- representation of nature
- |
- science discourse and power
- |
- simultaneity
- |
- social equality and mathematical inequality
- |
- sociological and scientific process
- |
- symbolism in science
- |
- symmetry
- |
- the concept
- |
- the concept and physical parallels
- |
- theory in anthropology
- |
- theory in social sciences
- |
- theory of nature
- |
- time
- |
- transcendental object
- |
- unified theory of nature
- |
- uniqueness
- |
- universal consciousness
- |
- universal form
- |
- universal shape
- |
- universals and constants
- |
- velocity
- |
- volume and space
Uniqueness, Self belonging and Intercourse in Nature...
Created: 2010-10-30 18:39:41 | Last updated: 2010-10-30 18:39:42
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 15 times | Downloaded: 7 times
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Mind Matter and Contour : A Two Timing Ether or a Wh...
Created: 2010-10-30 18:33:46 | Last updated: 2010-10-30 18:34:57
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 18 times | Downloaded: 8 times
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Evolution at the Surface of Euclid:Elements of a Lon...
Created: 2010-10-30 18:30:51 | Last updated: 2014-02-23 01:03:48
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 38 times | Downloaded: 177 times
A Model for the Rehabilitation of Witness Perspectiv...
Created: 2010-04-19 09:26:58
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 55 times | Downloaded: 42 times
- abstraction
- |
- aceticism
- |
- anthropology
- |
- auto-immune disease
- |
- cannibolism
- |
- cognition
- |
- egg
- |
- ethnography
- |
- evolution
- |
- explanatory gap
- |
- form in nature
- |
- human evolution
- |
- imagination
- |
- induction
- |
- logical positivism
- |
- mind and matter
- |
- modern and old societies
- |
- post modernism
- |
- representation of nature
- |
- resources of volume and space in the natural
- |
- symbolism of man and nature
- |
- theory of relativity
The Path of Knowledge ; The Knowledge of Path - New ...
Created: 2010-03-31 05:35:36
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 46 times | Downloaded: 38 times
Created: 2010-02-22 00:21:43
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 56 times | Downloaded: 64 times
Introduction to My Presented Works-Marvin E. Kirsh
Created: 2010-02-15 01:10:45 | Last updated: 2010-02-15 04:40:32
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 45 times | Downloaded: 19 times
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Physical Contiguity of "The Concept" : The Concept o...
Created: 2010-02-05 03:37:55 | Last updated: 2010-02-05 19:31:11
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 66 times | Downloaded: 34 times
- : physical contiguism
- |
- cognition
- |
- consciousness
- |
- coordinate system for space
- |
- cultural and biological evolution
- |
- emergence and scientific method
- |
- genetically inherited behavior
- |
- hard problem
- |
- inherited proximity
- |
- language and nature
- |
- logic of nature.universal consciousness.cognitive representation.natural processes.uniqueness in nature.mobius sided surface genes and evolution
- |
- mind and matter
- |
- mirror
- |
- mirror symmetry
- |
- ontology in social and natural science
- |
- origin of life
- |
- path cause and effect
- |
- perception and the external
- |
- plot of an egg
- |
- relativity space volume and culture
- |
- slice of nature
- |
- symbolism in science
- |
- the concept
- |
- unified theory of nature
- |
- universal consciousness
- |
- universal form
- |
- universal shape
- |
- universals and constants
Uniqueness, Self Belonging and Intercourse in Nature...
Created: 2010-01-09 04:42:06
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 59 times | Downloaded: 56 times
- affinity
- |
- correspondences in nature
- |
- descriptiontimeforceuniversaluracilvelocity
- |
- einstein
- |
- energy
- |
- entity
- |
- evolution
- |
- force
- |
- intercourse
- |
- inversion
- |
- mass
- |
- mobius strip
- |
- numbers and kinds
- |
- origin of life
- |
- phenotype
- |
- representation of nature
- |
- |
- role of dna
- |
- self avoidance
- |
- self belonging
- |
- set theory
- |
- social science
- |
- theory of nature
- |
- theory of relativity
- |
- time
- |
- unified theory of nature
- |
- uniqueness
- |
- universal form
- |
- universal shape
- |
- volume and space
What Happened? Are We Asking or Telling?
Created: 2010-01-02 04:12:38
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 34 times | Downloaded: 26 times
Anthropology and Parallelism: The Individual as a Un...
Created: 2009-11-15 19:52:10
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 68 times | Downloaded: 28 times
Created: 2009-10-18 05:28:32
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 273 times | Downloaded: 32 times
The Bend : A Speculation on History and Science
Created: 2009-09-20 04:08:33
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 74 times | Downloaded: 40 times
- attachments
- |
- birth of life
- |
- civilization
- |
- egg
- |
- einstein
- |
- entanglement
- |
- ethics in science
- |
- euclid
- |
- ever-present
- |
- evolution
- |
- free floating geometry for space
- |
- infinite and eternal
- |
- mind and matter
- |
- mobius strip
- |
- natural ethic
- |
- newton
- |
- newtons laws of motion
- |
- parallel postulate
- |
- proximity
- |
- qualitative and quantitative
- |
- regression in science theory
- |
- simultaneity
- |
- theory of relativity
- |
- time
- |
- universal
Uniqueness , Self Belonging and Intercourse in Nature
Created: 2009-08-23 07:53:40 | Last updated: 2009-08-23 08:06:11
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 62 times | Downloaded: 87 times
- affinity
- |
- chromatin folding and shape
- |
- concept of vacuum
- |
- correspondances in nature
- |
- einstein
- |
- energy
- |
- entity
- |
- evolution
- |
- force
- |
- intercourse
- |
- mass
- |
- numbers and kinds
- |
- phenotype
- |
- |
- role of dna
- |
- self avoidance
- |
- self belonging
- |
- set theory
- |
- social science
- |
- theory of nature
- |
- theory of relativity
- |
- time
- |
- uniqueness
- |
- universal form
- |
- universal shape
- |
- volume and space
A Plane Economy of Space Surfaces From the Mathemati...
Created: 2009-08-07 19:38:05 | Last updated: 2009-12-21 17:32:25
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 61 times | Downloaded: 61 times
- actual
- |
- agriculture and disturbance
- |
- apparent
- |
- bending of light
- |
- biological diversity
- |
- civilization
- |
- complexity
- |
- coordinate system for space
- |
- deity
- |
- distal
- |
- disturbance
- |
- diversity
- |
- |
- dysfunction
- |
- einstein
- |
- energy
- |
- ethics
- |
- euclid
- |
- evolution
- |
- fulcrum
- |
- function
- |
- genetic manipulation
- |
- genetics
- |
- hindrance
- |
- hunter gatherer
- |
- illogic
- |
- invention
- |
- light
- |
- line
- |
- logic
- |
- mass
- |
- mirror
- |
- mirror symmetry
- |
- natural ethic
- |
- parallel postulate
- |
- physical constraint
- |
- plane
- |
- point
- |
- proximal
- |
- proximity
- |
- |
- self defining
- |
- slice of nature
- |
- space
- |
- structure
- |
- surface
- |
- symmetry
- |
- theory of relativity
- |
- time
- |
- transparent
- |
- universal consciousness
- |
- velocity
- |
- video
- |
- volume
Created: 2009-07-19 05:24:57 | Last updated: 2009-07-19 05:29:37
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 109 times | Downloaded: 89 times
- ,
- |
- acids
- |
- actuality
- |
- and
- |
- apparency
- |
- biological
- |
- biological lock and key
- |
- cancer
- |
- cellnucleushereditymemoryenergy
- |
- classification
- |
- code
- |
- cognition
- |
- cognitive
- |
- complexity
- |
- conversion
- |
- descriptiontimeforceuniversaluracilvelocity
- |
- diseasebalance
- |
- distance
- |
- disturbance
- |
- diversity
- |
- dream symbolism
- |
- earth
- |
- egg
- |
- emergenceauto
- |
- emergenceules
- |
- equation
- |
- evolution
- |
- faces of objects
- |
- for
- |
- frame of reference
- |
- function
- |
- genealogyapparenttransparentproximityrepresentationvisualrepresentationsensory
- |
- genetic
- |
- genetic transmission
- |
- graph of egg
- |
- immune
- |
- in
- |
- language and nature
- |
- lifeparadoxpe3rceptionperspectiveprocessesrandomnessrandomnonrandomparitydnarnanucleicrelationships
- |
- light"
- |
- matter
- |
- natural
- |
- natural balance and pathology
- |
- nature
- |
- nature and ethics
- |
- naturemirrorofoncogenesisorigin
- |
- of
- |
- radiationspeciesstructuresunsunlighttheory
- |
- reproductionsolar
- |
- speciesrelativityrepresentationrepresentationeinsteintheoryselectionselective
- |
- verses
Induction, Space and Positive Ethics
Created: 2009-07-19 04:08:44 | Last updated: 2009-07-19 04:11:36
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 53 times | Downloaded: 32 times
Einstein and Mythology : The Lengthier the Relations...
Created: 2009-07-19 03:45:35
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 53 times | Downloaded: 9 times
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Genetics Reconstrued From the Mathematics of Einstei...
Created: 2009-07-18 19:00:59 | Last updated: 2009-12-21 17:36:49
M. Kirsh
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License
File type: Adobe PDF
Comments: 0 | Viewed: 87 times | Downloaded: 50 times
- accomodation
- |
- actual
- |
- aqpparent
- |
- art and science
- |
- change
- |
- cloninggenetic
- |
- deoxyuridine
- |
- egg
- |
- einstein
- |
- emergence
- |
- environment
- |
- environmental disturbance
- |
- ethicevolutionscience
- |
- euclid
- |
- general science'
- |
- human behavior and history
- |
- invention
- |
- laws
- |
- logic
- |
- macro
- |
- manipulationethicsnatural
- |
- mass
- |
- micro
- |
- nature
- |
- of
- |
- physical science and invention
- |
- proximity
- |
- relativity
- |
- self
- |
- space
- |
- symmetry
- |
- theoryexperimentationcognitionconsciousnessart
- |
- time
- |
- transgenic
- |
- unified theory
- |
- uracil
- |
- video