Nl User: Andrew Gibson


Name: Andrew Gibson

Joined: Tuesday 24 July 2007 10:17:42 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 27 January 2010 09:08:34 (UTC)

Email (public): gibson [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Andrew Gibson has been credited 3 times

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My background is in biology, and I am now mostly interested in developing emerging technologies from computer science and trying to make them more accessible to scientists, and as such am interested in what myExperiment is doing.

Other contact details:

Not specified


OWL Ontology Development
Semantic Web

Field/Industry: Academia

Occupation/Role(s): Postdoctoral Researcher


University of Amsterdam


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Contents (click to expand/contract)

Workflow Extract lists from a tab-delimited spreads... (1)

This workflow takes a spreadsheet exported as a tab delimited file, such as an Excel spreadsheet. The style is expected as a matrix of data with the first row containing the column names and the first column containing the row names (see below). The top left cell is discarded. The workflow outputs three lists. A list of column names, a list of row names, and a two deep list of data points. The first list is a list of the rows and the sublist is a list of values of the cells from the columns....

Created: 2008-10-17 | Last updated: 2008-10-18

Credits: User Andrew Gibson

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