Cn User: Peter Li


Name: Peter Li

Joined: Tuesday 13 November 2007 17:42:19 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 20 May 2014 13:06:42 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Hong Kong, China

Peter Li has been credited 140 times

Peter Li has an average rating of:

4.5 / 5

(2 ratings in total)

for their items

Still enjoys eating at buffet restaurants. Currently, sampling the cuisine that Hong Kong has to offer. Need to be careful and watch my weight though.

Other contact details:

Not specified


Systems biology, cheminformatics.

Field/Industry: Government agency

Occupation/Role(s): Data Organization Manager


BGI-Hong Kong


Groups that Peter Li owns


Network-member SBML

Created: Thursday 29 November 2007 11:46:44 (UTC)

For people interested in doing SBML-related stuff in workflows

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

Members (5):



Network-member Sage Bionetworks

Created: Wednesday 17 March 2010 11:53:59 (UTC)

 A group to share workflows for the Sage Bionetworks demo

11 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (8):


Other Groups that Peter Li belongs to

Network-member Cheminformatics

Unique name: cheminformatics
Created: Thursday 04 December 2008 21:18:56 (UTC)

Workflows in the area of cheminformatics, for example, using ChemSpider or PubChem webservices, or using cheminformatics plugins like CDK-Taverna.

11 shared items   |   0 announcements


Network-member myExperimentBeanshellCollection

Unique name: myExperimentBeanshellCollection
Created: Thursday 06 March 2008 11:41:29 (UTC)

Group for development, curation and maintenance of collections of generic Beanshell processors. Join this group if you have some cool Beanshells that you want to share! Please add your Beanshells to the myExperimentBeanshellCollection workflow and don't create new workflows for this purpose. (It's not fun to load dozens of workflows manually to load a fragmented collection of Beanshells.) If t...

1 shared item   |   0 announcements


Network-member myGrid

Unique name: myGrid
Created: Friday 30 November 2007 12:19:26 (UTC)

People working or contributing to the myGrid project, including the Taverna developers. You do not need to join this group to see the shared items. If you are interested in contributing to myGrid or Taverna development or have questions about Taverna, then please email

376 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member metabolomics

Created: Thursday 29 November 2007 11:50:47 (UTC)

Data analysis and bioinformatics of metabolomic studies

3 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Text mining network

Created: Monday 12 November 2007 23:01:26 (UTC)

The Text mining network on The text mining network on is a network of users of text mining workflows and services developers of text mining workflows developers of text mining services Goals (general) increase the efficacy of the field a place for users/developers to find text mining resources and experts derive text mining...

10 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (18):

This Group has not been tagged yet!

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